
Executable and Linkable Format File (.elf)

An object file (with the extension .elf) that contains the data from a design's software source files in a translated form. You or the Software Builder can use a software toolset code converter to generate Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Files (.hex) (for example, flash programming files) from an Executable and Linkable Format File (.elf). The Software Builder also uses a code converter to generate Binary Files (.bin) or Motorola S-Record Files (.srec) from an Executable and Linkable Format File (.elf) .

You can also use an ELF File with a software toolset debugger to debug BIN Files, HEX Files, and SREC Files; the ELF File holds the debug information that a software toolset assembler and C/C++ compiler generate for the debugger during a software build.

When you generate a BIN File or SREC File, the Software Builder uses a software toolset linker to generate an ELF File from object files that the Software Builder generated.

When you generate a HEX File, you or the Software Builder can use a linker to generate an ELF File from object files that you included in the design or that the Software Builder generated. Also, if the HEX File you are generating is a flash programming file, you or the Software Builder can use a linker to generate an additional ELF File from a boot data file and the bootloader library file (libboot_xa_ads.a).

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