

A conduit is a connector that connects a block to pins or to other blocks in the Block Editor. It represents an unordered collection of signals, which may have an alias that acts as a reference to the signals in the collection. Conduits contain signals for the connected objects. (Imagine a pipe with wires running through it. The pipe is analogous to the conduit and the wires are analogous to the signals.) However, a conduit acts differently than a bus because at any given time, any number of signals may be flowing through the conduit.

The signals from pins connected to the conduit network, and other signals from the unordered collection, are propagated throughout the entire network and are connected to any block I/O in the network that has the same name. The Connections table in the Signals tab, available in the Conduit Properties dialog box (Edit menu) displays this connection information.

The name of the conduit is an alias for a collection of signals, which is placed over the conduit in the form of <<<alias name>>>. The signals in the conduit are a combination of all signals in all connected segments.

Conduits exhibit the following behavior:

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