

In the Block and Symbol Editors, a comment is a free-floating block of text used to document the design. It is not associated with any object. A comment stands alone anywhere within Block Editor files. A comment also stands alone within the symbol border of a Symbol Editor file. Comments are ignored by the Compiler, and can be used to document various sections of a file.

In the Waveform Editor, a comment is a line of text used to annotate the waveforms in the waveform drawing area. You can attach a text comment to a single transition, an entire logic level of a waveform, or an entire waveform block. A comment is always displayed on top of waveforms, and its movement is anchored to a transition or logic level by its arrow. Comments are ignored by the Compiler.

In all Quartus® II text files except VHDL Design Files (.vhd) and Verilog Design Files (.v)—for example, in Vector Files (.vec) and Text Design Files (.tdf)—a comment is any string of characters preceded by the percent symbol (%). You can insert comments wherever white space is allowed in text files.

In VHDL Design Files, comments begin with two dashes (--) and continue to the End-of-Line. AHDL TDFs also support VHDL-style comments. If you use a VHDL-style comment in a TDF, you must separate the two dashes from any preceding symbolic name with at least one space.

In Verilog Design Files, comments begin with two slashes (//) and continue to the End-of-Line. Verilog Design Files also support comments consisting of any string of characters enclosed between /* and */ characters.

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