
arithmetic operator

An operator that performs arithmetic operations on groups and numbers.

In AHDL, supported arithmetic operators in Boolean expressions consist of the prefix and binary plus (+) and minus (-) symbols. Supported arithmetic operators in arithmetic expressions consist of the prefix and binary plus (+) and minus (-) symbols, as well as AND (&), NAND (!&), XOR ($), XNOR (!$), OR (#), NOR (!#), ternary (?), multiplication (*), division (DIV), modulus (MOD), exponentiation (^), and log base 2 (LOG2). Unary plus and minus symbols are used as prefixes to indicate positive and negative values. Binary plus and minus symbols are used between groups and numbers to indicate addition and subtraction.

In VHDL, supported arithmetic operators consist of the prefix and binary plus (+) and minus (-) symbols, as well as the operators for multiplication (*) and division (/). See "Section 7.2.3: Adding Operators" and "Section 7.2.4: Multiplying Operators" in the IEEE Std 1076-1993 IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual for more information.

In Verilog HDL, supported arithmetic operators consist of the unary and binary plus (+) and minus (-) symbols (which are also called "adding operators"), as well as the operators for multiplication (*), division (/), and modulo arithmetic (%). See "Section 4.1.5: Arithmetic Operators" in the IEEE Std 1364-1995 IEEE Standard Hardware Description Language Based on the Verilog Hardware Description Language manual for more information.

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