Block Editor

Guidelines for Scrolling in a Block Editor File

When scrolling in a Block Editor file, use the following guidelines to enlarge the file:

Use the following keyboard buttons to scroll:

Home Scrolls to the left edge.
Ctrl+Home Scrolls to the top left.
End Scrolls to the right edge.
PgUp Scrolls up without enlarging the document.
PgDown Scrolls down without enlarging the document.
Left Arrow Scrolls to the left, and when it reaches the left edge, enlarges the document to the left.
Right Arrow Scrolls to the right, and when it reaches the right edge, enlarges the document to the right.
Up Arrow Scrolls up, and when it reaches the top, enlarges the document upward.
Down Arrow Scrolls down, and when it reaches the bottom, enlarges the document downward.

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