Floorplan Editor

Showing Resource Usage

To show resource usage information in the MegaLAB structure, or LAB display in the Floorplan Editor:

  1. Open the Current Assignments floorplan, open the Last Compilation floorplan, or open the Timing Closure floorplan.

  2. To view the Interior MegaLAB display of the Floorplan Editor, select Interior MegaLABs (View menu). Shortcut

  3. To view the Interior LAB display of the Floorplan Editor, select Interior LABs (View menu). Shortcut

  4. To view the Interior Cell display of the Floorplan Editor, select Interior Cells (View menu). Shortcut

  5. To display histograms that indicate the amount of user assigned, Fitter placed, and unassigned logic per LAB when using the Timing Closure floorplan, select Field View (View menu). Shortcut

  6. To display numbers that indicate the amount of logic cells and embedded cells used per MegaLAB structure or LAB when using the Current Assignments floorplan or the Last Compilation floorplan, turn on Show Usage Numbers (View menu). Shortcut

  7. To display histograms that indicate the resource usage in graphical form when using the Current Assignments floorplan or the Last Compilation floorplan, turn on Show Usage Histograms (View menu). Shortcut

  8. To display I/O banks that indicate the bank usage in graphical form, turn on Show I/O Banks (View menu). Shortcut

  9. To display pads that indicate the pad usage in graphical form, turn on Show Pads (View menu). Shortcut

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