Trigger Position
Allows you to specify the amount of data that should be acquired before the trigger and the amount that should be acquired after the trigger in the selected instance captured by the SignalTap® II Logic Analyzer.
Acquired data is placed in a circular buffer,with the newest samples replacing the oldest. When triggered, the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer continues sampling the input signals to capture post-trigger data. You can set the ratio of pre-trigger to post-trigger data saved in the sample buffer as follows:
Pre |
Save signal activity that occurred after the trigger (12% pre-trigger, 88% post-trigger). |
Center |
Save half pre-trigger and half post-trigger data. |
Post |
Save signal activity that occurred before the trigger (88% pre-trigger, 12% post-trigger). |
Continuous |
Save signal activity indefinitely (until stopped manually). |
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