SignalTap II Logic Analyzer Status Bar Indicators

The SignalTap® II Logic Analyzer icons on the Quartus® II status bar indicate your stage in the SignalTap II debug process.

The following SignalTap II Logic Analyzer icons are available from the status bar:

Icon Name Description
ELA Design When you open a project and it contains a design file, the Design icon changes from dimmed to normal to indicate that there is an open design file.
ELA Compile After you make design changes or SignalTap II Logic Analyzer changes that require recompilation, the Compile icon is highlighted in yellow to indicate that you must compile.
ELA SOF After you compile the design, the SOF icon changes from dimmed to normal to indicate that you have generated a programming file.
ELA Program After you compile the design, the Program icon is highlighted in yellow to indicate that you must download the design.
ELA Target After you have downloaded the design, the Target icon changes from dimmed to normal to indicate that the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer is ready to run.


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