Setting SignalTap II Logic Analyzer General Options

To set general options for the SignalTap® II Logic Analyzer:

  1. Choose Options (Tools command).

  2. In the Category list, select SignalTap II Logic Analyzer General.

  3. To view the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer buttons Run Analysis, Autorun Analysis, Stop Analysis, Run Analysis, Read Data, Program Device, Save to Data Log, and the SignalTap II ELA status bar in both the Instance Manager and the Quartus® II toolbar, turn on Show duplicate buttons in windows.

  4. To automatically link group properties between the Data and Setup tabs, turn on Automatically link group properties between Data and Setup tabs and turn on the properties that you want to link between the tabs:

  5. To automatically recompile a design entity or project before running the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer if the configuration has changed, turn on Automatically recompile before SignalTap II analysis if configuration has changed.

  6. Click OK.

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