Boolean Operator & Comparator Priorities

Operands separated by logical and arithmetic operators and comparators are evaluated according to the priority rules listed below (priority 1 is the highest priority). Operations of equal priority are evaluated from left to right. Parentheses () may change the order of evaluation.

Priority: Operator/Comparator:
         -    (negative)
         !    (NOT)
         +    (addition)
         -    (subtraction)
         ==    (equal to)
         !=    (not equal to)
         <    (less than)
         <=    (less than or equal to)
         >    (greater than)
         >=    (greater than or equal to)
         &    (AND)
         !&    (NAND)
         $    (XOR)
         !$    (XNOR)
         #    (OR)
         !#    (NOR)


NOTE The arithmetic operators that are supported in Boolean expressions are a subset of the arithmetic operators supported in arithmetic expressions.

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