6ô Sets the processor mode to SVC, then restores it ô 8ô THIS WILL NOT APPEAR TO DO ANYTHING WHEN EXECUTED! (ô 2'ô by Richard Murray 26th April 1999 <ô F:ô Downloaded from: http://www.heyrick.co.uk/assembler/ P ZÞ code% 256 d nã loop% = 0 ¸ 2 ˆ 2 x P% = code% ‚ [ OPT loop% Œ –F STMFD R13!, {R0-R12, R14} ; Store registers on the OS stack   ª? MOV R12, PC ; Preserve PC flags in R12 ´ ¾: „R R0, R12, #3 ; Select SVC mode bits È3 TEQP R0, #0 ; Write to R15 Ò5 MOV R0, R0 ; Null operation Ü æH \ here we are in SVC mode, so can fiddle with hardware and other ð; \ junk that requires a privileged processor mode... ú < TEQP R12, #0 ; Restore previous mode 5 MOV R0, R0 ; Null operation  "> LDMFD R13!, {R0-R12, PC} ; Restore flags and exit. , 6 ] @í J T Ö code% ÿ