A500K ProASIC¢â Family
The First Programmable Device Optimized for Gate Array Designers

¡°All things being equal, I would use a programmable device over a masked device¡±
- anonymous engineer

What Is ProASIC?
0.25u 4LM Flash-Based CMOS Programmable Device
Re-programmable and non-volatile
Live at power-up
Cost effective, single-chip solution
Fine Grained Architecture
Predictable performance and high utilization
Flip-flop rich
Ideal for ASIC or FPGA design flows
Designed for IP re-use
1/3 - 1/2 the power of LUT-based PLDs
Embedded Memory/FIFO Blocks
Design and IP Security Features*

ProASIC 500K Family

ProASIC Flash Switch

Fine Grain Advantage

Architecture Overview

ProASIC Logic Cell: The Tile
Homogeneous Array of Advanced Fine-Grained Cells
Very efficient utilization
High speed
ASIC-like-- works well in ASIC tool flow
IP-friendly -- closest thing to a gate

Embedded Memory
Dual-Port SRAM and FIFO Capability
1R/1W 256 x 9 embedded memory blocks: cascadable
Up to 133 MHz synchronous and asynchronous operation
FIFO Control Logic: First with ProASIC
Decoder, control and flag circuitry
Parity generation and detection logic
Access and cycle time 7.5ns
MEMORYmasterTM Tool
Automates Memory Generation
Parameters and configuration
fully programmable

ProASIC Routing
High Efficiency and Flexibility
Nearly double the routing switches of SRAM PLDs
Higher utilization of routing resources
Enables ASIC-like timing and utilization predictability
Pin-fixing at up to 90% utilization
Shorter segments consume less power
High Performance Routing Hierarchy
Regular structure for block-level design

ProASIC Routing Hierarchy
Four High-Speed Globals
High-Performance Routing Hierarchy
Corner-to-Corner Delay
< 4ns (typical)

Ultra-fast Local Routing

High-Speed Bus Network

Efficient Long Line Routing


ProASIC Performance

Predictable High-Performance

ProASIC Programming
Device Programming through Standard JTAG
Silicon Sculptor & Silicon Explorer II
On-board programming (ISP) through 26-pin header
JTAG inputs re-definable as user I/Os for operation

Package Availability

ProASIC Power Advantage

ProASIC Power Advantage

Meeting the System-Level Challenge
FPGA and ASIC Tool Flow Supported Equally Well
Push button flow: Synplicity / Exemplar / Synopsys
First seamless ASIC flow with Synopsys / Cadence (Ambit)
Easy ASIC migration
No new learning curve on tools
Highly predictable timing (wireload model)
Timing-driven synthesis and P&R actually work and work together
IP Friendly
IP protection and licensing capability
Vast majority of RTL IP existing today is optimized for gates

ASICmaster¢â Software
Hierarchical Place & Route
Based on multi-million gate ASIC P&R system
Push-button and interactive
Timing-driven place and route
Incremental design flow supports ASIC-like ¡°ECO¡±
Verilog or VHDL (Output for Synthesis and Simulation
Power Estimator
Accuracy to ~15% of final
Layout Viewer
Allows for quick isolation of problem nets
Standard Links to industry standard EDA Tools

Flexible Design Flow

ASICmaster¢â Software

ASICmaster¢â Software

Using the Layout Viewer

ProASIC for IP Market
Almost no re-design of IP is required (memory implementations)
Significantly lower investment from IP vendors
Compatibility with ASIC Flow
Ensures core availability
Allows use of soft IP
Support for IP Vendor Business Model
Design security features ensure a high degree of protection
Unique licensing capability to support IP vendor
Allows IP to be licensed to a given # of devices
Follows the ¡°royalty¡± model developed by ASIC community
Factory programming further protects IP

ProASIC for the Logic Designer
Allows Customer to Delay Silicon Choice
Let logic designers be logic designers
Preserves Investment in Chosen Tools and Training
Simplifies Design Re-Use Challenges
Simplifies Board-Level Issues
Lower Power consumption
Single chip
Non-volatile and re-programmable
Live at power-up

Looking Ahead
SRAM Products are Maturing
Less architectural innovation
Leader on the process curve wins most designs
ProASIC is Just Getting Going
Full support of floor planning
Increased performance
Roadmap to 2+ million system gates on .22u embedded Flash
3X improvement in P&R runtimes
Special I/O features
Internet upgradeable configuration

ProASIC: Comparing Options

The Best of Both Worlds


ProASIC Back-up Slides

The Actel / Gatefield Partnership

Memory Configurations

Superior Silicon by Design

Flash = Small Die

ProASIC vs. Virtex Die Size

Performance - Clk-to-Out

Next - ProASIC II
Next generation standard ProASIC product family
Planned features
Architectural enhancements
PLL and differential I/Os
More convenient programming through the Internet
Why another 0.25µ / 0.22µ Product Family ?
Process technology roadmap ain¡¯t that easy anymore
System supply voltage adoption
Exploit density and cost advantage of ProASIC technology
Focus on system level integration
It¡¯s no longer just: bigger, cheaper, easier, faster ¡¦

Key ProASIC II Features
Full 66MHz, 64bit PCI capability
Enhanced IO Capabilities
Increased Productivity
P&R: 10 x AM5
Block reuse and predictability over whole product range
Support of embedded functional blocks
Improved Ease of Use
Enhanced ISP interface for remote upgrades

ProASIC II Schedule
Goal is for 1.5M ¡°System Gates¡±
Pin compatible within family
Voltage and GND pins compatible with 500K
Gate counts interleave existing 500K products
First sampled Silicon expected end of 2000