entity multiprocessor is end entity multiprocessor; -- code from book architecture instrumented of multiprocessor is -- not in book constant num_processors : positive := 2; -- end not in book shared variable bus_ifetch_count, bus_read_count, bus_write_count : natural := 0; signal bus_request, bus_grant : bit_vector(0 to num_processors - 1); -- . . . -- other signal declarations begin processor_array : for processor_id in 0 to num_processors - 1 generate processor : process is -- . . . begin -- . . . -- initialize loop bus_request(processor_id) <= '1'; wait until bus_grant(processor_id) = '1'; bus_ifetch_count := bus_ifetch_count + 1; -- . . . -- fetch instruction bus_request(processor_id) <= '0'; -- . . . -- decode and execute instruction -- not in book wait until bus_grant(processor_id) = '0'; -- end not in book end loop; end process processor; end generate processor_array; arbiter : process is begin -- . . . -- not in book loop for i in bus_request'range loop if bus_request(i) = '1' then bus_grant(i) <= '1' after 5 ns; wait until bus_request(i) = '0'; bus_grant(i) <= '0' after 5 ns; end if; end loop; wait for 5 ns; end loop; -- end not in book end process arbiter; -- . . . -- other processes for memory, etc end architecture instrumented; -- end code from book