package mem_pkg is subtype word is bit_vector(0 to 31); type word_array is array (natural range <>) of word; procedure load_array ( words : out word_array; file_name : string ); end package mem_pkg; -------------------------------------------------- package body mem_pkg is procedure load_array ( words : out word_array; file_name : string ) is -- words'path_name = ":project:mem_pkg:load_array:words" use std.textio.all; file load_file : text open read_mode is file_name; -- load_file'path_name = ":project:mem_pkg:load_array:load_file" procedure read_line is -- read_line'path_name = ":project:mem_pkg:load_array:read_line:" variable current_line : line; -- current_line'path_name = -- ":project:mem_pkg:load_array:read_line:current_line" begin -- . . . -- not in book report current_line'path_name; -- end not in book end procedure read_line; begin -- load_array -- . . . -- not in book report mem_pkg'path_name; report words'path_name; report load_file'path_name; report read_line'path_name; read_line; -- end not in book end procedure load_array; end package body mem_pkg;