entity ch_20_11 is end entity ch_20_11; ---------------------------------------------------------------- architecture test of ch_20_11 is component comp is end component comp; signal clk_phase1, clk_phase2 : bit; -- code from book: group signal_pair is (signal, signal); group clock_pair : signal_pair ( clk_phase1, clk_phase2 ); attribute max_skew : time; attribute max_skew of clock_pair : group is 200 ps; group component_instances is ( label <> ); group U1 : component_instances ( nand1, nand2, nand3 ); group U2 : component_instances ( inv1, inv2 ); attribute IC_allocation : string; attribute IC_allocation of U1 : group is "74LS00"; attribute IC_allocation of U2 : group is "74LS04"; -- end of code from book begin nand1 : component comp; nand2 : component comp; nand3 : component comp; inv1 : component comp; inv2 : component comp; end architecture test;