library project; entity ch_20_02 is end entity ch_20_02; architecture test of ch_20_02 is begin process is use project.mem_pkg; use project.mem_pkg.all; variable words : word_array(0 to 3); begin assert -- code from book (in text) mem_pkg'path_name = ":project:mem_pkg:" -- end code from book ; report mem_pkg'path_name; assert -- code from book (in text) word'path_name = ":project:mem_pkg:word" -- end code from book ; report word'path_name; assert -- code from book (in text) word_array'path_name = ":project:mem_pkg:word_array" -- end code from book ; report word_array'path_name; assert -- code from book (in text) load_array'path_name = ":project:mem_pkg:load_array" -- end code from book ; report load_array'path_name; load_array(words, "/dev/null"); wait; end process; end architecture test;