use std.textio.line; package qsim_types is constant name_max_length : natural := 20; type token_id_type is range 0 to integer'high; type token_type is record source_name : string(1 to name_max_length); source_name_length : natural; id : token_id_type; creation_time : time; end record; type token_vector is array (positive range <>) of token_type; type arc_type is record transaction : boolean; -- flips when an arc changes token : token_type; end record arc_type; type arc_vector is array (positive range <>) of arc_type; type info_detail_type is (none, summary, trace); procedure write ( L : inout line; t : in token_type; creation_time_unit : in time := ns ); end package qsim_types;