package cpu_types is constant word_size : positive := 16; constant address_size : positive := 32; subtype word is bit_vector(word_size - 1 downto 0); subtype address is bit_vector(address_size - 1 downto 0); type status_value is ( halted, idle, fetch, mem_read, mem_write, io_read, io_write, int_ack ); end package cpu_types; package bit_vector_unsigned_arithmetic is function "+" ( bv1, bv2 : bit_vector ) return bit_vector; end package bit_vector_unsigned_arithmetic; package body bit_vector_unsigned_arithmetic is function "+" ( bv1, bv2 : bit_vector ) return bit_vector is alias norm1 : bit_vector(1 to bv1'length) is bv1; alias norm2 : bit_vector(1 to bv2'length) is bv2; variable result : bit_vector(1 to bv1'length); variable carry : bit := '0'; begin if bv1'length /= bv2'length then report "arguments of different length" severity failure; else for index in norm1'reverse_range loop result(index) := norm1(index) xor norm2(index) xor carry; carry := ( norm1(index) and norm2(index) ) or ( carry and ( norm1(index) or norm2(index) ) ); end loop; end if; return result; end function "+"; end package body bit_vector_unsigned_arithmetic; -- code from book package DMA_controller_types_and_utilities is alias word is work.cpu_types.word; alias address is work.cpu_types.address; alias status_value is work.cpu_types.status_value; alias "+" is work.bit_vector_unsigned_arithmetic."+" [ bit_vector, bit_vector return bit_vector ]; -- . . . end package DMA_controller_types_and_utilities; -- end code from book