package arithmetic_ops is -- code from book procedure increment ( bv : inout bit_vector; by : in integer := 1 ); procedure increment ( int : inout integer; by : in integer := 1 ); -- end code from book end package arithmetic_ops; package body arithmetic_ops is procedure increment ( bv : inout bit_vector; by : in integer := 1 ) is begin end procedure increment; procedure increment ( int : inout integer; by : in integer := 1 ) is begin end procedure increment; end package body arithmetic_ops; ---------------------------------------------------------------- entity ch_09_04 is end entity ch_09_04; ---------------------------------------------------------------- library util; use util.stimulus_generators.all; architecture test of ch_09_04 is -- code from book -- MTI bug mt017 -- alias bv_increment is work.arithmetic_ops.increment [ bit_vector, integer ]; alias int_increment is work.arithmetic_ops.increment [ integer, integer ]; -- workaround to avoid MTI bug mt018 -- alias "*" is "and" [ bit, bit return bit ]; alias "*" is std.standard."and" [ bit, bit return bit ]; -- alias "+" is "or" [ bit, bit return bit ]; alias "+" is std.standard."or" [ bit, bit return bit ]; -- alias "-" is "not" [ bit return bit ]; alias "-" is std.standard."not" [ bit return bit ]; -- end workaround alias high is std.standard.'1' [ return bit ]; -- end code from book signal a, b, c, s : bit := '0'; signal test_vector : bit_vector(1 to 3); signal test_high : bit := high; begin -- code from book -- workaround to avoid MTI bug mt018 -- s <= a * b + (-a) * c; s <= (a and b) or ((not a) and c); -- end workaround -- end code from book stimulus : all_possible_values ( bv => test_vector, delay_between_values => 10 ns ); (a, b, c) <= test_vector; end architecture test;