entity ch_07_03 is end entity ch_07_03; ---------------------------------------------------------------- library bv_utilities; architecture test of ch_07_03 is use bv_utilities.bv_arithmetic.all; constant T_delay_adder : delay_length := 10 ns; -- code from book: function bv_add ( bv1, bv2 : in bit_vector ) return bit_vector is begin -- . . . -- not in book return bv1 + bv2; -- end not in book end function bv_add; signal source1, source2, sum : bit_vector(0 to 31); -- end of code from book begin -- code from book: adder : sum <= bv_add(source1, source2) after T_delay_adder; -- end of code from book ---------------- stimulus : process is begin wait for 50 ns; source1 <= X"00000002"; source2 <= X"00000003"; wait for 50 ns; source2 <= X"FFFFFFF0"; wait for 50 ns; source1 <= X"00000010"; wait for 50 ns; wait; end process stimulus; end architecture test;