library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture bench_rtl of mac_test is signal clk, clr, ovf : std_ulogic := '0'; signal x_real, x_imag, y_real, y_imag, s_real, s_imag : std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0); type complex is record re, im : real; end record; signal x, y, s : complex := (0.0, 0.0); constant Tpw_clk : time := 50 ns; begin x_real_converter : entity work.to_vector(behavioral) port map (, x_real); x_imag_converter : entity work.to_vector(behavioral) port map (, x_imag); y_real_converter : entity work.to_vector(behavioral) port map (, y_real); y_imag_converter : entity work.to_vector(behavioral) port map (, y_imag); dut : entity work.mac(rtl) port map (clk, clr, x_real, x_imag, y_real, y_imag, s_real, s_imag, ovf ); s_real_converter : entity work.to_fp(behavioral) port map (s_real,; s_imag_converter : entity work.to_fp(behavioral) port map (s_imag,; clock_gen : process is begin clk <= '1' after Tpw_clk, '0' after 2 * Tpw_clk; wait for 2 * Tpw_clk; end process clock_gen; stimulus : process is begin -- first sequence clr <= '1'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= (+0.5, +0.5); y <= (+0.5, +0.5); clr <= '1'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= (+0.2, +0.2); y <= (+0.2, +0.2); clr <= '1'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= (+0.1, -0.1); y <= (+0.1, +0.1); clr <= '1'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= (+0.1, -0.1); y <= (+0.1, +0.1); clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; -- should be (0.4, 0.58) when it falls out the other end clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= ( 0.5, 0.5); y <= ( 0.5, 0.5); clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= ( 0.5, 0.5); y <= ( 0.1, 0.1); clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= ( 0.5, 0.5); y <= ( 0.5, 0.5); clr <= '1'; wait until clk = '0'; x <= (-0.5, 0.5); y <= (-0.5, 0.5); clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; clr <= '0'; wait until clk = '0'; clr <= '1'; wait until clk = '0'; wait; end process stimulus; end architecture bench_rtl;