entity ch_05_12 is end entity ch_05_12; ---------------------------------------------------------------- architecture test of ch_05_12 is signal top_a, bottom_a : bit := '0'; signal top_y, bottom_y : bit; begin block_05_3_m : block is port ( a : in bit; y : out bit := '1' ); port map ( a => top_a, y => top_y ); begin -- code from book: inv : process (a) is begin y <= inertial not a after 3 ns; end process inv; -- end of code from book end block block_05_3_m; ---------------- block_05_3_n : block is port ( a : in bit; y : out bit := '1' ); port map ( a => bottom_a, y => bottom_y); begin -- code from book: inv : process (a) is begin y <= reject 2 ns inertial not a after 3 ns; end process inv; -- end of code from book end block block_05_3_n; ---------------- stimulus_05_3_m_n : process is begin top_a <= '1' after 1 ns, '0' after 6 ns, '1' after 8 ns; bottom_a <= '1' after 1 ns, '0' after 6 ns, '1' after 9 ns, '0' after 11.5 ns, '1' after 16 ns, '0' after 18 ns, '1' after 19 ns, '0' after 20 ns; wait; end process stimulus_05_3_m_n; end architecture test;