entity ch_03_05 is end entity ch_03_05; ---------------------------------------------------------------- architecture test of ch_03_05 is type phase_type is (wash, other_phase); signal phase : phase_type := other_phase; type cycle_type is (delicate_cycle, other_cycle); signal cycle_select : cycle_type := delicate_cycle; type speed_type is (slow, fast); signal agitator_speed : speed_type := slow; signal agitator_on : boolean := false; begin process_3_1_e : process (phase, cycle_select) is begin -- code from book: if phase = wash then if cycle_select = delicate_cycle then agitator_speed <= slow; else agitator_speed <= fast; end if; agitator_on <= true; end if; -- end of code from book end process process_3_1_e; stimulus : process is begin cycle_select <= other_cycle; wait for 100 ns; phase <= wash; wait for 100 ns; cycle_select <= delicate_cycle; wait for 100 ns; cycle_select <= other_cycle; wait for 100 ns; phase <= other_phase; wait for 100 ns; wait; end process stimulus; end architecture test;