1. Outline: Introduction, Organization, Outline

Postcript File

2. Review: Levels of abstraction, Entity and Architecture, Signal assignments, Guarded signal assignments, Three state bussing, Process statements, Combinational processes, Sequential processes, Multiplexing, Package

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3. MSI Based Design: Use MSI parts of Part 2, Sequential multiplication, Designing the multiplier, Control and data parts, Testing the multiplier

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4. General CPU Description: Will present a high level VHDL description of a small CPU. The CPU, Memory organization, Instructions, Addressing, Utilities for VHDL description, Interface, Behavioral description, Coding individual instructions

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5. Manual Data_path Design: Will present VHDL description for manual design of data_path. Data components, Bussing structure, Description of logic, Description of registers, Bus resolutions, Component wiring

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6. Manual Controller Design: Will present VHDL description for manual design of controller. Controller hardware, VHDL style, Signals and resolutions, State descriptions, Complete CPU, Testing CPU

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7. Synthesis: Main concepts, Structural synthesis, Combinational circuits, Functional registers, State machines

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8. Behavioral_Synthesis: Will present a high level synthesizable CPU description. Synthesis style, Necessary Package, Interface, General Layout, Registers, Clocking, Sequencing, Simulation and Synthesis

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9. Dataflow_Synthesis: Will partition the CPU and synthesize each part separately. Synthesis style, Controller, Data components, Data path, Synthesized example, Conclusions

Postcript File

Last modified July 25, 1996
Funda Kutay is in charge of this page funda@ece.neu.edu,
Under provision of: Dr. Zain Navabi, navabi@ece.neu.edu